Our Product Selection:

"The Sound, The Soul, The One"

The technology residing in the Hammond New B-3, XK-5, A-3 Heritage and other Hammond organ and keyboard products is connected to both past and present.  Laurens Hammond's original 1934-35 concepts are now a digital reality.  Others may copy but Hammond refers to the original blueprints, patents, and design concepts proven over the decades.  That's why for 91 years and counting Hammond remains, "The Sound, The Soul, The One."

 'Want to learn more?  Call us toll-free: (877)-432-5700.

The Leslie 2101


The Leslie 2101 Mk2

Leslie 2101

When you want the authentic LESLIE sound, but cannot accommodate the size and weight of a traditional Leslie, or, frankly, cannot afford it; reach for the 2101mk2. It’s the “top half” of Hammond's traditional Leslie with all the unique and patented features that musicians have come to depend on, coupled with a perfect digital simulation of the lower rotor.  Because of its three separate channels (rotory, left stationary, and right stationary), the Leslie 2100 either alone or with any bass amp or keyboard amp and is ideal for use with any of the Hammond SK, SK-Pro, SKX, or SKX-Pro organ keyboards.  The proprietary 8-pin Leslie cable (containing speed control, rotory and both stationary channels) makes connection a snap!  When you consider the onboard tube preamp and the widest range of “tweakability” of any Leslie ever, the 2101mk2 is a clear choice for pro and hobbyist alike.  Call us and we'll explain.

Leslie 2101:  $1,975.00 with free freight!  Financing and Church/Professional lease plans are our specialty.  Call us at (877) 432-5700 for details.