Our Product Selection:
"The Sound, The Soul, The One"
The technology residing in the Hammond New B-3, XK-5, A-3
Heritage and other Hammond organ and keyboard products is connected
to both past and present. Laurens Hammond's original 1934-35
concepts are now a digital reality. Others may copy but
Hammond refers to the original blueprints, patents, and design
concepts proven over the decades. That's why for 91 years and
counting Hammond remains, "The Sound, The Soul, The One."
'Want to learn more? Call
us toll-free: (877)-432-5700.
Contact Hammond Central
If you wish to contact Hammond Central by e-mail simply use the
form provided below. We will respond as quickly as we are
able. Naturally, you should feel free to telephone as well at:
(877) 432-5700
Those who call are generally glad they did.
We ask questions and have conversation about your music, objectives,
and product interests. As a result, we are able to make solid
recomendations and provide workable solutions.
Hammond Central Contact Form: