Our Product Selection:

"The Sound, The Soul, The One"

The technology residing in the Hammond New B-3, XK-5, A-3 Heritage and other Hammond organ and keyboard products is connected to both past and present.  Laurens Hammond's original 1934-35 concepts are now a digital reality.  Others may copy but Hammond refers to the original blueprints, patents, and design concepts proven over the decades.  That's why for 91 years and counting Hammond remains, "The Sound, The Soul, The One."

 'Want to learn more?  Call us toll-free: (877)-432-5700.

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We're not certain what, if anything should be on this page except to say that, if you don't tell, we won't tell either.  In order for this to be truly private, the rest is in latin, a quite private language because even doctors and lawyers are no longer certain of the meaning of words outside their particular area of study.

Quisque imperdiet turpis vitae metus. Vivamus consectetuer mauris non massa. In pretium, turpis et adipiscing elementum, ligula ipsum elementum risus, eget rhoncus nunc orci vel mi. Cras nunc. In ac eros nec tellus blandit suscipit. Sed aliquet luctus lectus. Nunc eleifend iaculis arcu. Phasellus mollis elementum pede. Integer et quam eu velit interdum laoreet. Sed sapien dolor, gravida non, congue eget, consequat sed, enim. Sed bibendum orci in nisl. Suspendisse elit? Sed ut magna. In dignissim. Nulla ornare pharetra libero. Praesent nunc magna, placerat congue, pretium et, ultricies sit amet, elit? Morbi enim nisl, sagittis ut, lobortis eget, blandit tincidunt, urna. In rutrum, diam vel dignissim consectetuer, libero pede pulvinar tortor; semper tincidunt massa nibh quis ipsum. Donec id nisl nec nisl varius porta. Cras ac purus.