Our Product Selection:

"The Sound, The Soul, The One"

The technology residing in the Hammond New B-3, XK-5, A-3 Heritage and other Hammond organ and keyboard products is connected to both past and present.  Laurens Hammond's original 1934-35 concepts are now a digital reality.  Others may copy but Hammond refers to the original blueprints, patents, and design concepts proven over the decades.  That's why for 91 years and counting Hammond remains, "The Sound, The Soul, The One."

 'Want to learn more?  Call us toll-free: (877)-432-5700.

Hammond Central Archives

The following are links to information about instruments no longer manufactured by Hammond or Leslie.  These links are to orphaned pages from earlier versions of our website so if the link doesn't open in a new tab or window you may have to select "back" to navigate back to this page.  We provide this service to you as a courtesy.  Should you have questions about these older instruments you are welcome to call.

Hammond Organs No Longer In Production

Hammond A-305

Hammond A-405

Hammond 935

Hammond XH Elegante and XT Aurora/Aurora Classic

Hammond Mini B

Hammond XK Traditional Organ System

Hammond XK Pro Organ System

Hammond XB-3m

Hammond XE-1 and XE-2 Portable Organs

Hammond XK-3C Portable Organ

Hammond SK1, SK1-73

Hammond SK1-88

Hammond SK2

Hammond SKX

Hammond XK-1C

Leslie Tone Cabinets No Longer In Production

Leslie 771

Leslie 971

Leslie 3301

Leslie 525

Leslie LS 2012, LS2215