Hammond XK-3C
Keyboard? No way! This is a single manual organ!
Make no mistake about it.
We have never been more impressed with a Hammond product than we
were with the XK-3c at it introduction. This organ is fantastic and
has drawn a lot of attention from all quarters. The ability to
expand from a single manual portable organ to two manuals or even a
full-B-3 type portable organ makes this the most versatile
organ/keyboard on the market. We have churches that use the XK-3c
in the XK Traditional/Vintage System. Why? For two reasons.
First, of course, is the cost. The XK-3c is an economical
alternative to getting the sound and feel of the B-3. Second is the
adaptability. Even when its part of an XK-Pro or XK-Traditional
System, the XK-3c can be removed and function as a single manual
organ by itself. For our church customers it provides a full organ
for Sunday mornings and a portable organ for church picnics and
other off-site venues. The same applies for our professional
customers who use the XK-3c on various gigs. Depending on the type
of gig, the player has the choice of taking just the XK-3c or a full
XK-Pro System.
The XK-3C legacy lives on! Call us for details: (877) 432-5700