Our Product Selection:

"The Sound, The Soul, The One"

The technology residing in the Hammond New B-3, XK-5, A-3 Heritage and other Hammond organ and keyboard products is connected to both past and present.  Laurens Hammond's original 1934-35 concepts are now a digital reality.  Others may copy but Hammond refers to the original blueprints, patents, and design concepts proven over the decades.  That's why for 91 years and counting Hammond remains, "The Sound, The Soul, The One."

 'Want to learn more?  Call us toll-free: (877)-432-5700.

The Legend and Legend Live

The Viscount Legend Drawbar Organ

Need Financing?  Apply here: Individual Application   Church Application

Legend Organ, Black, Joey DeFrancesco EditionFinancing Available


As of April 20, 2024, we have several Legends in stock and available for immediate delivery.  Call us for low pricing on the Legend, Legend Live, and Legend Solo!  Ask for Cliff or our Viscount specialist, Brian Ho.

For the past 15 years, Hammond Central has been exclusively a Hammond-brand-only dealer, having chosen not to carry any of the so-called Hammond clones.  Why?  They simply did not sound all that good.  With the redesign of the KeyB by its parent company in Italy, however, all that has changed.  We now see these instruments by Viscount as viable alternatives, filling a pricepoint void that we otherwise would not be able to service.

A European Look With a Vintage Layout

The Legend Striaght On...One European review calls the Viscount Legend Portable Organ, "a luxury instrument, designed in Italy to recreate the vintage sound of tonewheel organs, such as the Hammond organ."  Available in three configurations as the Viscount Legend, the Legend Live (same as the Legend but without the reverse color preset keys), and the Solo, these instrument use the latest computer modeling technology to deliver a remarkably authentic "tonewheel organ sound" and playing experience.

Modular in Concept

Legend 25-note pedalboardThe two-manual Legend and Legend Live may be purchased as stand-alone organ/keyboards or with the factory stand, bench and pedalboard.  The pedalboard is available in both 25-note and 18-note configurations.  It is possible, therefore, to "build" a system to fit your needs; something Hammond standardised years ago with its original XK Traditional System.


Legend controlsAnother quote from a UK review: "The Legend perfectly captures the look and feel of the vintage era by leaving all the modern technology working under the hood--no LCD screens or touch pads can be seen anywhere on the organ itself."  This is actually a very strong "selling feature," especially around churches where there is always someone with "heat seeking fingers" lurking in the background to play with an LCD menu and screw things up at the most perfectly wrong time.


  • Two Heavy Duty 61-note waterfall key manuals with 12 reverse colored preset keys.
  • The latest Tonewheel Modeling Technology
  • Newly Updated Rotary and Amplifier Simulations
  • Newly Updated Harmonic Percussion and Key Click
  • Two sets of Drawbars per manual
  • Reverb, Vibrato and Chorus Effects
  • Upper and Lower Realtime Controls
  • External 11-pin Leslie Output
  • FX Send and Return
  • USB Power Port


Use the Legend or Legend Live with an 11-pin Leslie or use them with either a mono or stereo keyboard amplifier or sound reinforcement system.  The Leslie simulation is truly remarkable so utilizing stereophonic amplification instead of a Leslie speaker is a viable option.  We think that the Leslie 3300 is an ideal mate to the Legend or the Legend Live.  Please note our special church/studio-direct price for the Legend and 3300 below.

The Legend Live

Legend Live OPEN BOX SPECIAL:  Complete System including Viscount stand, Legend Bench, and Viscount Pedal 18.  $5,840.00 MAP Reduced to Just $4,779.00 (including freight).  Call for details: (877) 432-5700

Below are photos of the Legend and Legend Live consoles and some of the optional Legend/Legend Live accessories.  Click on the thumbnail for a larger image.

Legend ConsoleLegend Live Console



Legend Live Straight-OnLegend 18-note bass pedalboard



The Viscount Legend is in high demand but is available for delivery or shipment within 48 hours of cleared payment.  We have special church/studio-direct pricing for the complete Legend Organ with stand, bench, 25-note bass pedals, Leslie 3300 (black) and 30', 11-pin Leslie cable with a monthly lease payment of just $198 per month with only $496 to start the 60-month lease.  Call Hammond Central now!:

(877) 432-5700