Our Product Selection:

"The Sound, The Soul, The One"

The technology residing in the Hammond New B-3, XK-5, A-3 Heritage and other Hammond organ and keyboard products is connected to both past and present.  Laurens Hammond's original 1934-35 concepts are now a digital reality.  Others may copy but Hammond refers to the original blueprints, patents, and design concepts proven over the decades.  That's why for 91 years and counting Hammond remains, "The Sound, The Soul, The One."

 'Want to learn more?  Call us toll-free: (877)-432-5700.

The Hammond New B-3 Mk2

The New B-3

The Birth of the New B-3

The New B-3 OrganHammond created history when, in 1975, it ceased manufacturing its tone-wheel organs, bringing to an end the era it began 40 years earlier.  Even so, the B-3 has maintained its identity as the standard for organ sound in popular, jazz, and Gospel music.  By the start of the 21st century it was evident that the old Hammond B-3 and C-3 organs were not going to last forever so Hammond has ushered in a new era with the New B-3.  Every single playing aspect of the original B-3 has been carefully and meticulously recreated.  The loo, the feel, the sound...and the soul are all in this instrument.

Digital Tone Wheel

The Digital Control CenterThe New B-3 Mk2 utilizes the now famous Hammond Digital Tone-Generating System to faithfully replicate all the sound characteristics of the vintage tone-wheel generator.  Even the actual temperament of the scale is captured exactly.  All of the intervals "beat" exactly as they do on a vintage tone-wheel B-3.  All 91 pitches are continuously generated and ready to sound at any time.

Playing Controls

B-3 ControlsAll of the switches, tablets, and other controls function exactly as on the original B-3.  Four sets of Hammond Harmonic Drawbars plus two Pedal Drawbars, tilting control tablets for volume, vibrato and "Touch-Response Percussion, six-position Vibrato and Chorus knob, and latching preset keys are present together with the old-style "bat-handle" power and motor control toggle switches.  Every detail has been considered in order to make the New B-3 and the old B-3 indistinguishable from each other in sound and performance.

Direct Analog Keying

Direct analog key contactsA crucial aspect of the performance of the B-3 is the key contact system.  When a key is depressed, it closes nine small electrical contacts, each to their corresponding buss bar.  Each contact causes on of the Drawbar pitches to sound.  For the New B-3, Hammond has created a brand-new, patented key switch assembly called Direct Analog Keying.  Each playing key contains 9 contacts that "make" and "break" individually, allowing each Drawbar harmonic to sound separately.  The "key click" therefore is produced exactly the same way as it is on a vintage Hammond Organ.  There is no need to sample a key click sound and add it in. 

Leslie Ready...Even With Headphones

Leslie Tone CabinetThe Hammond New B-3 Mk2 has on-board Leslie simulation both in the headphone jack as well as in the left and right channel "line out" jacks.  When the 11-pin Leslie cable is connected to the organ, the Leslie simulation is disabled except for in the headphone output.  Any 11-pin Leslie can be used with the New B-3.  Two Leslie connectors are provided to allow Main/Echo switching between two or more Leslies.  For optimum performance, we recommend either the 122XB or 981 Leslie Speaker.  For churches and other live venues the best companion to the New B-3 is the 981 due to its tremendous power.  For use in the home or on stages with limited room, the Leslie 3300W is a fine alternative.

While generally available for immediate delivery, the New B-3 is in high demand.  Call us at (877) 432-5700 for Direct-to-Church pricing and availability.  Church and Studio financing is no problem at Hammond Central.