Get YOUR SPECIAL SAVINGS On Hammond, Leslie, or Viscount Products!
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Whether you are looking for a new Hammond SKPro or XK product, a new Hammond Console Organ, Portable Organ, Leslie Speaker, or a New Viscount Legend, Legend Soul, Vortex Speaker, Spin-Tone Speaker or Hurricane speaker, Hammond Central is YOUR source for any keyboard instrument with drawbars! With Hammond Central you will not only get the most competitive price but you will also get a level of support and product expertise that is unequaled elsewhere. When it comes to the new Hammond, Leslie, and Viscount products, we know our stuff. How can that be? We work with some of the biggest names in entertainment and have compliled a long, long list of church customers over the past two decades. If you haven't called Hammond Central before making a purchase, you will have likely done yourself a disservice.
The Heritage of Hammond
development of the original Hammond Organ was the birth of an entire
new class of keyboard instruments: electronic keyboard instruments.
In fact, Laurens Hammond's original concept was for a portable
instrument that would plug into one's radio for amplification; a
very interesting concept for 1934. While he ultimately chose
to develop the two manual console Model A it is inspiring to know
that, even in the early stages of development of his instrument, Mr.
Hammond saw the future. Today's technology enables Hammond
engineers to go back to those original design concepts and
blueprints and from them develop instruments that are true to the
original Hammond Organ sound and faithful to Laurens Hammond's
vision. Hammond Central is proud to offer brand new Hammond
and Leslie products along with a select few other brands that, in
our opinion, rise to the level of quality and sound to be associated
with our company.
Portable, Affordable Console Organs
The Hammond Portable New B-3 set the standard for a quality, portable console organ. It's price tag, however, places it beyond the budgets of many churches and players. All of that changed with Hammond's introduction of the modular Hammond XK Organ Systems. Based on the Hammond XK-3/XK-3C single manual keyboard organs, the XK Pro, Traditional, and Vintage Systems have the sound of the B-3 with a considerable savings. Most recently, Hammond has raised the bar even more with the development of the Hammond XK-5 which, like the XK-3C, forms the basis of two portable and affordable two-manual consoles: The XK-5 Pro System and the A-3 Heritage Organ. We love the XK-5! To play it and to "feel" it's Hammond Heritage is to understand why. Most recently, Hammond Central has added another line of portable, affordable console instruments by Viscount. We especially like the Viscount Legend because it has the sound and meets a price point not available in the Hammond line-up.